Search Results: "Sylvestre Ledru"

7 September 2013

Sylvestre Ledru: Include What You Use - Yet a new cool tool in Debian.

iwyu (Include What You Use) has just been accepted in Debian. This tool, based on LLVM/Clang, checks the headers of a C/C++ file. It will detect which include directives are useless, what could be improve and add comments to explain why #include are there. Let's take this C file:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <limits.h>

int foo(void)
fprintf(stderr, "an error\n");
return INT_MAX;

$ iwyu foo.c will return:

foo.c should remove these lines:
- #include <malloc.h> // lines 2-2

The full include-list for foo.c:
#include <limits.h> // for INT_MAX
#include <stdio.h> // for fprintf, stderr
Package on Debian

6 September 2013

Sylvestre Ledru: About optimization flags in software

Following a thread on the Clang mailing list, I did a quick analysis of the optimization flags used to build C or C++ code. I used a rebuild result from last mid July of all Debian native packages (meaning that I don't have the log of full Java, Python or other packages without native code) and wrote a small script to count all their occurrences.
By default, deb packages uses the command "dpkg-buildflags --get CFLAGS" which will set the optimization level to -O2. However, many packages and upstream build systems do not respect such flags. On 10320 binary-only packages (in total, Debian has around 19000), the results are the following:
Optimization levelNumber of occurrencesNumber of packages
Since a graphic talks more than numbers (note that the Y axis is logarithmic):
Some packages are using several optimization flags during the same build.
Some packages are not showing the full command line (see jessie release goal: verbose build logs)
The results might be approximate since I am basically grepping "-OX " on the log files.

1 September 2013

Rapha&#235;l Hertzog: My Free Software Activities in August 2013

This is my monthly summary of my free software related activities. If you re among the people who made a donation to support my work (47.50 , thanks everybody!), then you can learn how I spent your money. Otherwise it s just an interesting status update on my various projects. Package Tracking System There are only 2-3 weeks left in the summer of code project dedicated to rewrite the package tracking system. We have come a long way during August check it out yourself in The rewrite doesn t have all the features of the old PTS yet, but I opted to keep some of the easy and less interesting features for others to re-implement. Instead I asked Marko to work in the coming weeks on new features that will bring more value, like the possibility to have user accounts with the possibility to easily review and tweak all your subscriptions on the web, and like the possibility to subscribe to groups of packages (i.e. those managed by a team). Our main problem right now is that exim has a pretty poor default behavior of forking hundreds of processes if you get hundreds of mails (in a batch) to an address that delivers via a pipe (postfix is saner, it serializes the deliveries on pipes). The new PTS is much more modular and its memory footprint is bigger (about 3 times more for the process that delivers mails, 30Mb instead of 10Mb), and in such a situation we managed to run out of memory for now we worked around the situation with an exim setting that queues mails once the load gets too high but it s a poor workaround IMO. We could obviously implement our own queue and a daemon but I d like to avoid this. So who knows how to tell exim to behave? :-) On the positive side, Marko has gotten some feedback from people who like the new PTS and are using it daily already. And several persons have expressed their interest to work on the new codebase already. On my side, I created a package so that it s easy to deploy for derivatives. In this process, I revamped the way we manage the Django settings (for development and for production). The package is not finished yet, but it s mostly usable already. But I still want to do some cleanup/refactoring in the models before others start deploying it. We must also enable South to make it possible to upgrade easily afterwards. DebConf 13 in Vaumarcus From August 10th to 17th, I was attending DebConf 13. It matched the only week of vacation that my wife had this summer so we went there with the whole family (that is with a 3 years old son, and 6 months old one). Thus I could not immerse myself in Debconf and missed all the nice things that happen outside of the talk rooms. I picked 3-4 interesting talks per day and I spent the rest with my family. On the positive side, I was pleased that my wife could meet (or at least see) some other Debian people. She knows quite a few (of you) by name because I have been telling her Debian stories for years now Debian France Debian France sold quite some merchandise during Debconf but I didn t take care of that. It was supervised by Sylvestre Ledru but fortunately he got the help of multiple persons, both to bring everything there, to sell it, and to bring back the rest. The good news of the month is that the upstream author of galette published a new version with all the features that we ordered him a few months ago. We send now automatic reminders to members who must renew their subscription, we have automatic update of our accounting books (in a ledger file in a git repository) when we people donate or pay their subscription via the paypal form on our website. I was so pleased to finally have this that I took some hours to finalize the packaging of galette, so that it could be uploaded to Debian. It s now waiting in the NEW queue. I also spent multiple hours to write the python script that is executed by galette and that updates the accounting files. Misc Debian stuff Debian Packaging. I did two uploads of logidee-tools to fix bugs #718671 and #718836. I created a package for Dolibarr a PHP-based CRM and ERP software (it doesn t do accounting however), it s sitting in the NEW queue for almost a month already. I forwarded #719000 to the upstream Publican developers. I filed #720393 to request a new upstream version of libphp-mailer. git-multimail. After its deployment on Alioth last month, Niels Thykier reported me a case where it lead to bounces, I filed this as a new upstream ticket and in fact I fixed it myself a few days after. I got the fixed version installed on Alioth. dpkg. I investigated why the the automatic builds of dpkg were no longer happening and asked Michael Prokop if he could install a newer version of gettext in the build chroot. He told me that he would need a backport for that so I asked Santiago Vila if he was willing to provide it and he kindly accepted. A few days after, the package was in backports and I m now again running the latest dpkg out of git thanks to the nice service provided by Michael. Misc discussions. The thread about user planets drifted into a discussion of how to avoid promotional posts on such planets and in that context someone again brought up the Debian Machine Usage Policy as a way to shut down any kind of (self-)promotional content on planet if there s money involved. This always irritates me and this time I opted to ask James Troup about the origin of that clause in the DMUP. So who is willing to work with DSA to fix the DMUP so that people stop abusing it in contexts where it doesn t make sense? I also participated in some discussions concerning dgit. I like the ideas behind the tool, but I m saddened by the behavior of Ian Jackson. I helped him to fill his gap of knowledge about new sources formats but he keeps on bashing about the 3.0 (quilt) source format both in the manual page and in the output of the program. He believes that dgit is no longer an experiment but the truth is that it s still a poorly commented Perl script doing lots of hackish things. Kali Linux Between Debconf and all, I haven t done much for Kali except a couple of fixes. There s a nice story of how I tracked a bug in live-installer on the Kali blog. That fix has been committed to Debian. I also improved live-build to include xfsprogs/jfsutils on the ISO image when you include the debian-installer (so that you don t end up in problems when you pick JFS or XFS as file systems for your installation). Thanks See you next month for a new summary of my activities.

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19 August 2013

Sylvestre Ledru: Clang 3.3 and Debian

The LLVM toolchain version 3.3 has been released a couple months ago.
Here are now the result of the rebuild of Debian archive using this version of the compiler.
Like the previous releases, we are at a bit less than 12% of packages failing (2188 packages on a total of 18854).
More warnings / errors detections have been added to the software (for example: like this defect of the C++ standard or the detection of unused linker option) causing more build failures, but, in the mean time, we fixed some issues in the Debian packages... As usual, the following image shows clearly the evolution of the build failures over time.
As stated in my blog post for the release 3.2, this rebuilds prove that Clang is ready for production in term of support of the C, C++ and Objective C languages. With the performance results showed by Chandler Carruth from Google at the last Euro LLVM summit (see this video from 5:40), I believe that it is now time to report and fix the bugs in the upstream packages. I also presented this work (video) at the Debconf 13 last week in Vaumarcus (Switzerland) and I will be also presenting this work at the Linux Plumbers Conference, New Orleans. With L o Cavaille (as part of his GSOC) and Paul Tagliamonte, we are also working on providing a better automatic rebuild infrastructure for clang-built packages (and other static analyzers). More in the next few weeks. Finally, I would like to thank folks at AWS for the Debian credit and David Suarez for helping on with the Ruby segfaults.

Sylvestre Ledru: Video of Debconf 13 available on the IRILL website

While raw videos of the previous Debconf are available on: We, at IRILL, are glad to provide a nice HTML5 interface (and flash if HTML5 videos are not available) to browse all the videos of Debconf 13:

12 August 2013

Sylvestre Ledru: Merchandising at Debconf

Debian France and Debian Swiss associations are now selling products at Debconf. We are now selling
23 CHF / 18 euros
Black polo
31 CHF / 25 euros
Rugby polo
50 CHF / 40 euros
13 CHF / 10 euros
We have also some new hoodies.
They come in 4 colors: black, white, grey and dark blue.
With or without zip:
Without zip: 44 CHF / 35 euros
With zip: 50 CHF / 40 euros With also have hats:
Price: 10 CHF / 9 euros We have also the Debian umbrellas and knifes.

Photo credit Kibi
For those who are at Debconf, they are for sell at the Debconf front desk from 4 to 6 and will be probably available for sell on enventelibre after the event.

5 August 2013

Sylvestre Ledru: Switch to OpenJDK 7

As announcement on debian-devel-announce, I just uploaded java-common version 0.49. This version changes the default version of OpenJDK to version 7. That means that packages depending on default-jdk/default-jre will be now built with OpenJDK 7 (instead of the 6) and also that the java/javac commands will be providing Java 7.
I also used the opportunity of this upload to update the Java policy.

9 July 2013

Rapha&#235;l Hertzog: My Free Software Activities in June 2013

This is my monthly summary of my free software related activities. If you re among the people who made a donation to support my work (106.39 , thanks everybody!), then you can learn how I spent your money. Otherwise it s just an interesting status update on my various projects. Debian France I handled some subscriptions that we collected during Solutions Linux at the end of last month and I also worked on updating the accounts in preparation of our annual general assembly. As the current president, I wrote a moral assessment of the organization and I helped Sylvestre Ledru (the treasurer) to prepare an overview of our financial situation (which is rather good). The plan for this general assembly included the renewal of 6 of our 9 board members so I tried to motivate some persons to candidate and I m pretty happy to see that we managed to have 9 candidates for 6 seats, a real election for once. :-) And as usual, I updated Galette to version and I filed a couple of tickets (#621, #622). Debian Package Tracking System We re getting close to one month of work on the Google Summer of Code Project that rewrites the Package Tracking System. On average I spent a good 1h30 per day on reviewing the code, giving my feedback, and preparing the user stories for the next iteration, plus a 2 hour meeting each Wednesday afternoon. This is more than I expected but at I m rather happy with the result so far. We have a live test instance updated each week (after the end of the iteration) at The web interface is empty because the bulk of the work has been spent on the email interface for now, but it s now feature complete and already has seen some improvements compared to the current implementation (fixing #340863 for example). You can interact with it by sending mails to The Debian Administrator s Handbook The fundraising for the liberation of the original book in French met its initial target very quickly and we added new targets with supplementary rewards (more ebook from Eyrolles, donation to Debian). All the supplementary targets were met, although the last one took until the last day! Thanks to all the supporters, we now have a French translation of the Debian Administrator s Handbook which is free and we have collected about 2700 EUR for Debian. Debian Packaging I got a couple of release critical bug reports that I had to fix: And trying to anticipate future issues, I filed an upstream ticket on feed2omb (#33) to see whether upstream had plans to support the new API that is supposed to use soonish. Kali Linux I filed a couple of Debian bugs: #711866 to request a new upstream version of w3af in Debian, #711044 to report a missing dependency in LSB meta-informations of the vsftpd init script. I worked on packaging passing-the-hash. Basically this is a fork of several software just to override some NTLM authentication functions. In some cases, I managed to avoid the fork by transforming the patches in LD_PRELOAD libraries that override the specific symbol of the patched functions. Among the forked software, there was winexe which wasn t packaged yet. So I packaged it but we quickly ran into some segfaults (which was already reported to upstream since a few months). I investigated the problem and prepared a patch. It has been submitted to upstream and merged. Thanks See you next month for a new summary of my activities.

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7 July 2013

Sylvestre Ledru: LLVM toolchain packages

In parallel of my work on the LLVM Debian/Ubuntu nightly packages, I uploaded a couple months ago the same packages for the stable releases of the LLVM toolchain. By toolchain, this means LLVM + Clang + Clang extra tools + compiler-rt + polly + LLDB.
Previously, they were packaged as separate source packages. Making the maintenance harder and, especially, limiting the packaging of LLDB and polly. Currently, we have in the archive: For the 3.2 release, I am planning to focus on RC bug fixes.
The 3.3 and snapshot releases will get the feature improvements.
llvm-default will point to the 3.3 release once it builds on all architectures and it reached testing aka Jessie (probably during summer).

6 July 2013

Sylvestre Ledru: Automatic scan-build on the LLVM toolchain

After setting an automatic code coverage tool, I just plugged an automatic scan-build on the LLVM toolchain trunk: Note that: This work is done through the Debian/LLVM jenkins instance.
The report is updated twice a day.
The scan-build/clang used to produce the report is the one published on That means that a new feature/fix done on scan-build will appear only about a day after on report. As a side effect, it tests automatically the packages distributed on For a project of this size, the number of reported errors / warnings is pretty low. At time of writing, only 329 errors are reported and many of them are in generated code ( and LLDBWrapPython.cpp for example) or in unit tests. [1]
/tmp/buildd/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-3.4~svn185728/build-llvm/Release/bin/clang -fno-exceptions -fPIC -funwind-tables -I/tmp/buildd/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-3.4~svn185728/projects/compiler-rt/lib -I/tmp/buildd/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-3.4~svn185728/projects/compiler-rt/include -Wall -Werror -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -m64 -fPIE -fno-builtin -gline-tables-only -fno-rtti -DASAN_FLEXIBLE_MAPPING_AND_OFFSET=1 -c -o /tmp/buildd/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-3.4~svn185728/build-llvm/tools/clang/runtime/compiler-rt/clang_linux/asan-x86_64/x86_64/SubDir.lib__sanitizer_common/sanitizer_symbolizer_itanium.o /tmp/buildd/llvm-toolchain-snapshot-3.4~svn185728/projects/compiler-rt/lib/sanitizer_common/

6 May 2013

Sylvestre Ledru: Follow up on Debian & Clang

A week after the Euro LLVM conference, I am glad to share the results I presented and discussed during the event. 1) Parallel building infrastructure using clang instead of gcc Based on the work that Alexander Pashaliyski and I did during the GSoC 2012, we are now able to automatically rebuild each package uploaded in Unstable transparently. Results are published here:
This provides a quick and easy way to any Debian contributors or upstream packaged in Debian to check how the package behaves with clang.
For Debian Developer and maintainer, a per maintainer view is also provided. This will list all packages maintained by a Debian packager. My page as example Here is an example of the list of package:
And an example of package failing:
At time of writing, most of the packages in unstable have been rebuilt (16 % are remaining). However, due to resource constraints, only amd64 packages are built. Contact me if you have resources to share for other architectures. Thanks to Paul Wise, the PTS (Debian package tracking system) proposes a link to the clang build logs (failing or not). A repository will be automatically updated with the results of these builds (once I find the time to get into buildd). 2) clang-built repository
Thanks to the Amazon Cloud, with our new DPL (Debian Project Leader), Lucas Nussbaum, we rebuilt unstable last April and published it at the following address:
deb unstable-clang main
This allows some cool stuff like:
$ echo "deb unstable-clang main">>/etc/apt/sources.list
$ apt-get update
$ apt-get install coreutils/unstable-clang
$ ls
$ awk
Note that this repository was only one-shoot and does not get updated. Quality of the binary produced (performance and size) can be tested thanks to this repository. Feedbacks are welcome!

Sylvestre Ledru: Follow up on Debian & Clang

A week after the Euro LLVM conference, I am glad to share the results I presented and discussed during the event. 1) Parallel building infrastructure using clang instead of gcc Based on the work that Alexander Pashaliyski and I did during the GSoC 2012, we are now able to automatically rebuild each package uploaded in Unstable transparently. Results are published here:
This provides a quick and easy way to any Debian contributors or upstream packaged in Debian to check how the package behaves with clang.
For Debian Developer and maintainer, a per maintainer view is also provided. This will list all packages maintained by a Debian packager. My page as example Here is an example of the list of package:
And an example of package failing:
At time of writing, most of the packages in unstable have been rebuilt (16 % are remaining). However, due to resource constraints, only amd64 packages are built. Contact me if you have resources to share for other architectures. Thanks to Paul Wise, the PTS (Debian package tracking system) proposes a link to the clang build logs (failing or not). A repository will be automatically updated with the results of these builds (once I find the time to get into buildd). 2) clang-built repository
Thanks to the Amazon Cloud, with our new DPL (Debian Project Leader), Lucas Nussbaum, we rebuilt unstable last April and published it at the following address:
deb unstable-clang main
This allows some cool stuff like:
$ echo "deb unstable-clang main">>/etc/apt/sources.list
$ apt-get update
$ apt-get install coreutils/unstable-clang
$ ls
$ awk
Note that this repository was only one-shoot and does not get updated. Quality of the binary produced (performance and size) can be tested thanks to this repository. Feedbacks are welcome!

Sylvestre Ledru: Follow up on Debian & Clang

A week after the Euro LLVM conference, I am glad to share the results I presented and discussed during the event. 1) Parallel building infrastructure using clang instead of gcc Based on the work that Alexander Pashaliyski and I did during the GSoC 2012, we are now able to automatically rebuild each package uploaded in Unstable transparently. Results are published here:
This provides a quick and easy way to any Debian contributors or upstream packaged in Debian to check how the package behaves with clang.
For Debian Developer and maintainer, a per maintainer view is also provided. This will list all packages maintained by a Debian packager. My page as example Here is an example of the list of package:
And an example of package failing:
At time of writing, most of the packages in unstable have been rebuilt (16 % are remaining). However, due to resource constraints, only amd64 packages are built. Contact me if you have resources to share for other architectures. Thanks to Paul Wise, the PTS (Debian package tracking system) proposes a link to the clang build logs (failing or not). A repository will be automatically updated with the results of these builds (once I find the time to get into buildd). 2) clang-built repository
Thanks to the Amazon Cloud, with our new DPL (Debian Project Leader), Lucas Nussbaum, we rebuilt unstable last April and published it at the following address:
deb unstable-clang main
This allows some cool stuff like:
$ echo "deb unstable-clang main">>/etc/apt/sources.list
$ apt-get update
$ apt-get install coreutils/unstable-clang
$ ls
$ awk
Note that this repository was only one-shoot and does not get updated. Quality of the binary produced (performance and size) can be tested thanks to this repository. Feedbacks are welcome!

9 April 2013

Sylvestre Ledru: A New feed: Debian uploads

After the Debian new packages, removal and bugs feeds (see the previous blog posts), I also plugged a feed with the last uploads in the archive:
Debian uploads on
Debian uploads on Twitter As a reminder, here is the list.
Debian uploads
Debian NEW queue
Debian bugs
Debian removed packages For Twitter:
Debian uploads
Debian NEW queue
Debian bugs
Debian removed packages

3 April 2013

Sylvestre Ledru: LLVM Debian/Ubuntu nightly packages

Lately, I have been working on providing nightly packages of the whole LLVM toolchain.
With the help of folks from Intel, Google and Apple, I am happy to announce the publication of these packages: Built through a Jenkins instance (, packages for Debian wheezy and Unstable and Ubuntu quantal, precise and raring are created twice a day. 3.2 and 3.3 llvm-toolchain packages are currently waiting in the Debian NEW queue. More information on the LLVM blog.

11 February 2013

Hideki Yamane: checking package with clang

Sylvestre Ledru wrote an article "Rebuild of Debian using clang 3.2". Probably package maintainers want to know about their package status with clang in PTS, Paul Wise has already posted to BTS#699936.

And, today I've hit upon an idea, then created a tiny patch for clang support for pbuilder. It may help you to check your package with clang.

6 February 2013

Sylvestre Ledru: Rebuild of Debian using clang 3.2

After the studies of the rebuild of the Debian archive using clang 2.9 & 3.0 and 3.1, the results of the 3.2 rebuild have been published on The percentage of failure is the same as clang 3.1: 12.1% of failure. That means that on 18264 packages, 2204 failed to be built with clang (it was 17710/2137 with the version 3.1). The fact that the percentage is the same can be explained by at least two reasons:
First, some upstreams packages have been fixed to be built correctly with clang.
Second, the new warnings + -Werror (example: -Wsometimes-uninitialized) introduced in clang 3.2 triggered some new build failures. To conclude, I think that the 3.2 release confirms the turning point of the 3.1. In term of support of the C and C++ standard, clang has now reached an equivalent quality to gcc (with better detection of errors and an extended set of warnings in -Wall).
Now, from the perspective of the Debian rebuilds, the decrease of number of failures will come from the upstream developers improving their codes (exemple of the error non-void function should return a value) or the Debian Developer/maintainer fixing the programming errors.

12 January 2013

Sylvestre Ledru: Some more cool stuff with LLVM/Clang

One of the drawback of C is the hard memory management. It is because of this aspect that Clang provides a way to detect, at runtime, memory errors. Called Address Sanitizer, it allows, while the program is running, to keep track of the memory and detect typical errors (out-of-bound accesses, use of a variable after a free, etc).
# With the following packages (version 3.2-1~exp3)
$ sudo apt-get install clang clang-3.2 compiler-rt -t experimental
Taking the simple following example, even if the errors are obvious, compilers will accept this code.
#include <stdlib.h>
int main()
char *x = (char*)malloc(10 * sizeof(char*));
return x[5];
Built and run with:
$ clang -O1 -g -fsanitize=address -fno-omit-frame-pointer foo.c -o foo
$ ./foo &> memoryDebug.log
The previous command will generate a log file. Log which can be post processed with the asan_symbolize command.
$ asan_symbolize memoryDebug.log
which will give:
==21368== ERROR: AddressSanitizer: heap-use-after-free on address 0x7fb22e547f45 at pc 0x408c44 bp 0x7ffff60c10b0 sp 0x7ffff60c10a8
READ of size 1 at 0x7fb22e547f45 thread T0
    #0 0x408c43 in main /tmp/foo.c:5
    #1 0x7fb22d99f6ac in __libc_start_main /home/adconrad/eglibc-2.16/csu/libc-start.c:227
0x7fb22e547f45 is located 5 bytes inside of 80-byte region [0x7fb22e547f40,0x7fb22e547f90)
freed by thread T0 here:
    #0 0x408c90 in __interceptor_free ??:0
    #1 0x408c0a in main /tmp/foo.c:4
    #2 0x7fb22d99f6ac in __libc_start_main /home/adconrad/eglibc-2.16/csu/libc-start.c:227
previously allocated by thread T0 here:
    #0 0x408d50 in __interceptor_malloc ??:0
    #1 0x408bff in main /tmp/foo.c:3
    #2 0x7fb22d99f6ac in __libc_start_main /home/adconrad/eglibc-2.16/csu/libc-start.c:227
Shadow byte and word:
  0x1ff645ca8fe8: fd
  0x1ff645ca8fe8: fd fd fd fd fd fd fd fd
More shadow bytes:
  0x1ff645ca8fc8: fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa
  0x1ff645ca8fd0: fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa
  0x1ff645ca8fd8: fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa
  0x1ff645ca8fe0: fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa
=>0x1ff645ca8fe8: fd fd fd fd fd fd fd fd
  0x1ff645ca8ff0: fd fd fd fd fd fd fd fd
  0x1ff645ca8ff8: fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa
  0x1ff645ca9000: fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa
  0x1ff645ca9008: fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa
Stats: 0M malloced (0M for red zones) by 1 calls
Stats: 0M realloced by 0 calls
Stats: 0M freed by 1 calls
Stats: 0M really freed by 0 calls
Stats: 0M (128 full pages) mmaped in 1 calls
  mmaps   by size class: 8:2047;
  mallocs by size class: 8:1;
  frees   by size class: 8:1;
  rfrees  by size class:
Stats: malloc large: 0 small slow: 1
==21368== ABORTING
The main advantage compare to valgrind is that asan is supposed to be way more faster. Threads can be also tricking to develop.
With the following example from stolen from upstream:
#include <pthread.h>
int Global;
void *Thread1(void *x)
Global = 42;
return x;
int main()
pthread_t t;
pthread_create(&t, NULL, Thread1, NULL);
Global = 43;
pthread_join(t, NULL);
return Global;
$ clang -fsanitize=thread -g -O1 foo2.c -fPIE -pie -o foo
$ ./foo
WARNING: ThreadSanitizer: data race (pid=21416)
  Write of size 4 at 0x7f2f1a214a50 by thread 1:
    #0 Thread1 /tmp/foo2.c:4 (exe+0x00000000f850)
  Previous write of size 4 at 0x7f2f1a214a50 by main thread:
    #0 main /tmp/foo2.c:10 (exe+0x00000000f8a4)
  Thread 1 (tid=21417, running) created at:
    #0 pthread_create ??:0 (exe+0x00000001267e)
    #1 main /tmp/foo2.c:9 (exe+0x00000000f894)
ThreadSanitizer: reported 1 warnings
Note that clang also provides scan-build, a static analyzer for memory issues. Not as powerful as the Address Sanitizer (it only works on a file), it provides some excellent reports. See the Wouter's blog post on this subject or the automatic report of scan-build on Scilab.

7 January 2013

Rapha&#235;l Hertzog: My Free Software Activities in December 2012

This is my monthly summary of my free software related activities. If you re among the people who made a donation to support my work (836.78 , thanks everybody!), then you can learn how I spent your money. Otherwise it s just an interesting status update on my various projects. Debian Packaging I uploaded Zim 0.58, WordPress 3.5 (and I had to file a ticket about the availability of sources of minified javascript files again) and another security update for python-django (696535). Speaking of python-django, I forwarded one bug report of Anders Kaseorg concerning Django s bash completion (#695811). I also sponsored the upload of ledgersmb 1.3.25-1. Other Debian work I contributed some patches to improve debian-installer support in live-build. I also added a work-around for bug #652946 in live-installer and committed a fix for this same bug in a jessie branch of partman-target. I also prepared a bugfix for a counter-productive behavior of choose-mirror (#695261, it was not possible to override the codename of the release to install via preseed if you install from a CD with a full base system). I discovered an oddity in the Packages.diff/Index file for the architectures armhf and s390x, I reported it to ftpmasters in #696792. (All those issues were discovered while working for a customer) Debian France I spent quite some time on Debian France this month again. I started by setting up an internal gitolite to manage our accounting/administrative documents. Then I updated galette, the web application that we are using to manage our database of members. In the process, I filed two bugs that we discovered. I immediately tested Galette by registering 4 members that joined during the former mini-Debconf in Paris. We have plans to automate the membership renewal process so we have opened a Paypal account. This month we also cleared the last steps so that I and Sylvestre Ledru have full control on the Debian France bank account. I also registered the new officers at the Tribunal d instance de Sarreguemines . Salt bug reports During the last mini-debconf, I discovered Salt (thanks to Julien Cristau!) and since I had to switch some servers of mine, I took this opportunity to upgrade to wheezy and try out salt at the same time. It took much more time than expected but the result is pleasant. The configuration of all my servers is now well documented/specified in a central Git repository, and moving services is much easier than before. In the process, I filed quite some bugs (#2865, #2851, #2866 and #2875), most of them have been fixed in the 0.11.1 release that just happened. Thanks I wish you a happy new year and all the best for 2013! See you next month for a new summary of my activities.

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12 December 2012

Sylvestre Ledru: Mini Debconf 2012 - videos and feedbacks

A bit more than two weeks after the Mini Debconf in Paris, I am glad to say that the videos of the event are finally published (the sound is not very good for the 4 first presentations, sorry about that).
They will be also available on the new IRILL website with a video player when ready.
All slides are also available on the page of the event. I believe that there is a consensus about the quality of the event. We had around 150 people attending to the event, many interesting and various talks.
As usual, it was nice to meet some old and new friends from Debian. Mini debconf - group picture
Group picture by Frederic Lehobey
For those who wonder, I am confident there will be a 2013 Parisian Mini Debconf. Various feedbacks about the event:
Lucas Nussbaum
Stefano Zacchiroli
Vincent Untz
Raphael Hertzog
Pietro Abate
Logilab (Julien Cristau)
The 'official' Debian news And, once more, many thanks to the sponsors!
Logilab SmartJog
Bearstech Evolix

